(Based protocol)
Diameter is not a 3GPP protocol , it is
a IEEE protocol. But It is a Based protocol. On top of diameter many other
application protocols can actually exchanged the information like S6a, Gx , Gy etc.
So these application protocols may be 3GPP standard or may be IEEE standard.
works on many interface- ( EPC and IMS)
For normal procedure data will be
travelled from router to another router and at last reached to destination. If
we want to send the data from source to destination, the fundamental need is IP
address. But how do we find the destination address? By DNS server. So, from
DNS server we will find out the destination IP address and by using IP actually
we will send the IP packets.
But if DNS is not in a placed, then
how do we get the IP address ? We should know the manually. That means
we should know destination IP address. For example , if we send the FTP data,
then we should know the FTP server IP address manually.
Diameter is actually between MME and HSS.
But if MME and HSS belongs to same operator, operator configure the MME IP
address in HSS and HSS IP address in MME, then communication works. Because
based on IP address we can established the SCTP association , then diameter
message can flow.
But assume a case where mobile equipment
can visiting a place like Italy, Germany etc. So MME (visiting) need to talk to our
HSS (Mumbai) to get the profile
information. We can also configure the IP address by manually like Italy MME IP
address in Mumbai HSS and similarly Mumbai HSS IP address in Italy MME. But
how many system we can configure? So every Italy MME should know the
Mumbai HSS IP address. Because Mumbai Guy can go anywhere. So, this is not a
practical case where every system’s IP address should know the each other.
how do we know the IP address? By D.N.S query we can get the IP address
but there is another issue in DNS server.
If we see the Diameter protocol stack,
Diameter is actually running on SCTP. SCTP is a transport protocol but SCTP is
a connection oriented. That means Mumbai 1000 different people is going to 1000
different places, these 1000 MME’s will have made SCTP association with HSS. But what is the
issue? The issue is how
many SCTP association/ connection can MME maintain or HSS maintain ? HSS
need to maintain 1000 of SCTP connection. If very large number of SCTP
connection is made in HSS, HSS load will increase. He won’t be able to perform
perfectly. Too many SCTP association is there But if the user is staying there
, that association need to be continued till the user is in attached state
between MME and HSS. So this is not a practical case because connection
oriented problem. So
how do we solve this problem ?
All the Diameter components would be connected to a component called as DRA(
Diameter routing agent). So HSS would be connected to the DRA.
DRA can read the Diameter message and it forwards to the next DRA and so on.
So, every MME not directly connected to all HSS, is connected through DRA.
level routing/ Application level routing ?
If we want to send Diameter message from
MME to HSS, source IP address is MME and
destination IP address is HSS. So Diameter packet is never be open up anywhere.
Diameter packet is kept up in SCTP, SCTP is kept inside IP, IP has got one
source IP address(MME) and destination IP address(HSS). So directly IP packet
is arrived in HSS.
is actually called as network level routing.
But there is some drawback in network
level routing because there may be who act like a MME and get the data from
HSS. So don’t want to take that because security related issue. So, how
do we solve this issue? By using application level routing.
In application level routing the
component called DRA. Actually when we are sending the message, the source IP
address is MME and destination IP address is DRA. The duty of DRA is, he will
open up the IP packet, take out the SCTP packet ,read the packet and based on
that he decided to send out to next DRA and so on. Finally it reached to the
destination (HSS). So the message will travelling through the DRA.
of Diameter-
of AVP’s (Attribute value pairs)- Pairs means two. Attribute means name and
its value.
In 3GPP we called it IE(information
element) but in IEEE it is called AVPs. AVP contains attribute name +value. But these AVP is developed in TLV
( Type Length Value) format. So each AVP explain about itself what is the name of it, what is the value and
what is the length of it.
But two types of AVPs- one is AVPs
belongs to Diameter protocol and other one is
AVPs which are application specific.
In Diameter message , we have a diameter
header followed by many AVPs . But in these AVPs some of the AVPs are used for the Diameter header purpose
and some of the AVPs are used for the application purpose like Gx,Rx, Gz…etc.
2) Capabilities
negotiation- When two diameter component are talking to
each other ,the first activity they do capability negotiation . MME goes and tell
to DRA that he can support one application protocol like S6a .DRA tell to MME that he can support S6a, Gx, Rx,
because DRA actually connected to many component.
3) Error
4) Extensibility,
through addition of new commands and AVPs (required in [AAAREQ]).
Diameter protocol is defined to be
extensible using different mechanisms including –
- Defining new AVPs value.
- Creating new AVPs .
- Creating new Authentication Authorization
- Creating new accounting application.
5) Transporting of user authentication
information, for the purposes
of enabling the Diameter server to authenticate the user.
6) Transporting of
service specific authorization information , between client
and servers, allowing the peers to decide whether a
access request should be granted.
7) Exchanging
resource usage information, which MAY be used for
accounting purposes,
capacity planning, etc.
8) Relaying,
proxying and redirecting of Diameter messages through server
connection and session-
The Relay agent(DRA) is between
client and server. So there is two SCTP association ,one is between client and
Relay ,second one is between Relay and
server. But number of user session is one. User session is existing between
client and server. But connection are existing
between client to DRA and DRA to server. There may be 50 DRA present in
between client and server. So total number of component including client and
server is 52. So , 51 connection will have between client and server but
information will be forwarded through many DRA.
There are 3 types of Diameter
When we send the diameter message
to Redirect agents, he will read the address and he will try to find out where
the message need to be forwarded. He gives the address of the DRA. His not duty
to forwarding the packets.
But if it is Proxy agent, he will
forward it. Relay agent is also forward it. But different between Relay agent
and Proxy agent is Proxy agent will remember every thing that is transaction
state as well as session state but Relay agent forget what is happening , he
will remember only transaction state not session state.
So, all these things are whether it
Relay agent , Proxy agent or Redirect agent that is DRA’s. The main duty is to
forward the diameter message or some how help the diameter message to reach the
the message is going to Destination ?
With the help of Diameter routing
the messages are going to destination. Once it goes to destination component
,he definitely reply back. If the reply is coming back we no need to required
IP address for response message, instead of that the response message going to
same path in the reverse direction. So, if the response message travelled in
the reverse direction , everybody in the middle who have received this request
message must be maintain a linking b/w this request and for that this is
response. So, everybody must be maintain a linking . That linking is actually
called as Transaction state. There will be two transaction state. One is
incoming transaction and second one is outgoing transaction. But for outgoing
transaction there will be incoming response.
So, for this purpose , there will
be two header fields are there. One is session
and other is transaction
Session id will not change. Session id will be created by client and it goes to
the server. Session id will be maintained but transaction id is only between
client and DRA. If DRA changes, the
transaction id may changes.
Above example-
id 18 and transaction id 255. Now these message client is going to send DRA1.
DRA1 is going to send DRA2. But when DRA1 is forwarding to DRA2, he have to
keep the session id same session id but he might have to changed the
transaction id.
But he might be using suppose 375.
Now DRA1 should maintain the linking between these two transaction id 255 &
375. Now when he send the message to DRA2, he received this number 375. And he
might be using another number 475. This 475 number will forward to server .
When server reply back , he will use this transaction id 475. So, DRA2 remove
this transaction id 475 and put in the transaction id 375, forward to DRA1.
DRA1 remove this transaction id 375 and put in the transaction id 255, forward
to client. So client understand that he has got response of that transaction id
header is common for any diameter
message interface.
This Version field must be
set to 1 to indicate Diameter Version 1.
The Message Length field is three octets
(24 bits) and
indicates the length
of the
Diameter message including the header fields. So maximum diameter message can
up to 2 ^24 -1 ( 1,67,77,215 size ).
The command code size is 24 bits. So, 2^24
commands are there. But command code is normally unique in all the Interfaces like S6a, Gx, Gy, Gz etc.
So, every interfaces we have every set of command codes.
Example- On S6a interface we have totally
9 command codes are there. On every command there is one request and response
message. Totally we have diameter 18 diameter messages in S6a interface. But
command code is 9 (not 18). Because request and response will have only one
code not two codes. But how do we differentiate whether it is request or
response? By using command flag R. If R=1, meaning is ‘request’, if R=0,
meaning is ‘response’.
is four octets
(32 bits) and
is used to identify to which
application the
message is applicable for.
So, total number of application can run up to 2^32. Every different interfaces
will have one unique id. It is indirectly recognized in what interface diameter
messages are there. Application id for S6a is 16777251.
to hop Identifier:
to hop Identifier
is for transaction. Transaction is between one element to next diameter
element. Hop
to hop Identifier
will keep on changing on every interface b/w two DRA.
to end identifier-
is for session. This is not change. This is between client and server.
The Command Flags field is eight
bits. The following bits are
The small r is reserved for future purpose.
Request (R)- tells
whether it is request or response. If R=1, it is request message, if R=0, it is
response(answer) message . But command code is same.
P(Proxiable) - is
proxiable or not. If
message may be proxied
, relayed
redirected. If cleared (P=0), the
message must locally processed.
Error( E)- If set,
the message(Response/answer)
a protocol error.
This bit must not be
set in request
T(Potentially re-transmitted message)-
This bit
must be cleared (T=0), when sending a request for the first time. If
T=1, it is retransmitted message. Potentially means sender Guy point of view,
this is retransmitted message but receiving Guy point of view, this may not be
not be retransmitted message (Duplicate message) because if link failure happened the message may not be reached to
the destination . So sender point of view it is transmitting second time but
receiver point of view it may be or may not be.
(Attribute value pair’s):
Code- Total bits for AVP code is 32 bits. So total
AVP code is 2^32-1 (4294967296-1).
The AVP Code, combined with the
Vendor-Id field, identifies the attribute uniquely. AVP numbers 1 through 255 are reserved for
backward compatibility
with RADIUS, without setting the Vendor-Id field. AVP numbers 256 and above are used for Diameter
AVP Length field is three octets, and indicates the number of
octets in
this AVP including the AVP Code, AVP Length, AVP Flags,
Vendor-ID field
(if present) and the AVP data. If a
message is
received with
an invalid attribute length, the message should be rejected.
ID- Vendor
id is optional. How do we know whether vendor id is optional ? By using Flag
(V). If V=1, then vendor id is present else not present and followed by data.
Data is nothing but AVP related information . One AVP can contain one
information or may many information. But vendor id is actually filled with
different organization who are register with IEEE Diameter component. The
different Vendor id (3GPP , 3GPP2, IETF etc.) will tell which organization
belongs to.
If V=1, then vendor id will be
present else not present.
M tells it is mandatory AVP or not.
If P=1, Client is asking for end to
end security else client is asking for server side security.
r is for future purpose.
the command/messages are applicable on every interface-
All the above commands are
applicable on all the interfaces.
Diameter Base protocol AVPs.
following table describes the Diameter AVPs defined in the base
their AVP Code values, types, possible flag values an whether the AVP may
encrypted. For the originator of a Diameter
(Encryption) means that if a message containing that
AVP is
to be sent via a Diameter agent (proxy,
redirect or relay) then the
must not be
sent unless there is end-to-end security between the
originator and the recipient and integrity /confidentiality protection
is offered for this AVP OR the originator has locally
trusted configuration that indicates that end-to-end security is
not needed. Similarly, for the
originator of a Diameter message,
a "P" in the "MAY" column means that if a message containing
that AVP
is to be sent via a Diameter agent
(proxy, redirect or relay)
then the message must not be
sent unless there is end-to-end security between
the originator and the recipient or the originator has locally
trusted configuration that indicates that end-to-end security
is not needed.
Command Code- (Message format)
Message Format
<CER> ::= < Diameter
Header: 257, REQ >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
1* { Host-IP-Address }
{ Vendor-Id }
{ Product-Name }
[ Origin-State-Id ]
* [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
* [ Auth-Application-Id
* [ Inband-Security-Id
* [ Acct-Application-Id ]
* [
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
[ Firmware-Revision ]
* [ AVP ]
Message Format
<CEA> ::= < Diameter Header: 257 >
{ Result-Code }
{ Origin-Host }
Origin-Realm }
1* { Host-IP-Address }
{ Vendor-Id }
{ Product-Name }
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Error-Message ]
* [ Failed-AVP ]
* [ Supported-Vendor-Id ]
* [ Auth-Application-Id
* [ Inband-Security-Id
* [ Acct-Application-Id ]
* [
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
[ Firmware-Revision ]
Message Format
<DWR> ::= < Diameter Header: 280, REQ >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Origin-State-Id ]
Message Format
<DWA> ::= < Diameter Header: 280 >
{ Result-Code }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Error-Message ]
* [ Failed-AVP ]
[ Original-State-Id ]
Message Format
<DPR> ::= < Diameter Header: 282, REQ >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
Message Format
<RAR> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Destination-Host }
{ Auth-Application-Id
{ Re-Auth-Request-Type
[ User-Name ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ Route-Record ]
* [ AVP ]
Message Format
<RAA> ::= < Diameter Header: 258, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Result-Code }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ User-Name ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Error-Message ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
* [ Failed-AVP ]
* [ Redirect-Host ]
[ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
[ Redirect-Host-Cache-Time ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ AVP ]
<ASR> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Destination-Host }
{ Auth-Application-Id
[ User-Name ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ Route-Record ]
* [ AVP ]
* [ AVP ]
<ASA> ::= < Diameter Header: 274, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Result-Code }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ User-Name ]
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Error-Message ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
* [ Failed-AVP ]
* [ Redirect-Host ]
[ Redirect-Host-Usage ]
[ Redirect-Max-Cache-Time ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ AVP ]
Message Format
<ACR> ::= < Diameter
Header: 271, REQ, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Accounting-Record-Type }
{ Accounting-Record-Number }
[ Acct-Application-Id ]
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
[ User-Name ]
[ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
[ Acct-Session-Id ]
[ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
[ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
[ Accounting-Realtime-Required
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Event-Timestamp ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ Route-Record ]
* [ AVP ]
Message Format
<ACA> ::= < Diameter
Header: 271, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{ Result-Code }
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Accounting-Record-Type }
{ Accounting-Record-Number }
[ Acct-Application-Id ]
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
[ User-Name ]
[ Accounting-Sub-Session-Id ]
[ Acct-Session-Id ]
[ Acct-Multi-Session-Id ]
[ Error-Reporting-Host ]
[ Acct-Interim-Interval ]
[ Accounting-Realtime-Required
[ Origin-State-Id ]
[ Event-Timestamp ]
* [ Proxy-Info ]
* [ AVP ] Update-Location-Request-
* [ AVP ] Update-Location-Request-
The Update Location Procedure shall
be used between the MME and the HSS and between the SGSN and the HSS to update location information in the
It contains Diameter header
followed by many AVPs.
Message format-
<ULR> ::=
< Diameter Header: 316, PXY >
< Session-Id >
{Authentication session state}
{Origin Host}
{Origin Realm}
{Destination Realm}
{User name}
{Supported Features (vendor
{RAT type (E-utran)
{Visited PLMN ID}
When receiving an Update Location
request the HSS shall check whether the IMSI is known.
If it is
not known, a Result Code of DIAMETER_ERROR_USER_UNKNOWN
is returned.
If it is
known, but the subscriber has no EPS subscription, the HSS may (as an operator
shall check whether the RAT type the UE is using is allowed. If it is not, a
is returned.
shall check whether roaming is not allowed in the VPLMN due to ODB. If so a
is returned.
The Update-Location-Answer (ULA)
command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 316 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is
sent from HSS to MME or SGSN.
Message format-
<ULA> ::= < Diameter Header: 316, PXY
< Session-Id >
{ vendor specific Application
{Authentication Application
{Result Code (Diameter success
{Authentication session state}
{Origin Host}
{Origin Realm}
{Supported Features (vendor
-MSISDN , Network
Access Mode(only packet), 3GPP charging characteristics, AMBR, Max- Requested-
Max- Requested- DL.
{APN Configuration}
- PDN type( IPV4 or
IPV6), Service selection, EPS_Suscriber_QOS_Profile (QCI-9), ARP(Priority-1),
pre-emption-Vulnerability, VPLMN-Dynamic-Address-Allowed (Allowed),
Destination Realm, Destination Host, PDN –GW-Allocation –Type( Dynamic),
3GPP charging characteristics, AMBR, Max-Requested- UL, Max- Requested- DL
Destination Realm, Destination Host, PDN –GW-Allocation –Type( Dynamic),
3GPP charging characteristics, AMBR, Max-Requested- UL, Max- Requested- DL
CLR (Cancel-Location-Request)
triggered by HSS in following scenarios.
1) Subscription is withdrawal for a
user (IMSI).
2) To inform previous MME/SGSN
about change in location.
3) To inform MME/SGSN about initial
There could
be 3 kinds of control nodes
1) Stand-alone MME
2) Stand-alone SGSN
3) Combined MME/SGSN
The Cancel-Location-Request (CLR)
command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 317 and
the 'R' bit set in the Command
Flags field, is sent from HSS to MME or SGSN.
Message Format
< Cancel-Location-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: 317, REQ, PXY, 16777251
Session-Id >
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host
{ Origin-Realm
Destination-Host }
Destination-Realm }
{ User-Name }
Supported-Features ]
Cancellation-Type }
*[ AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record
Cancel-Location-Answer -
The Cancel-Location-Answer (CLA)
command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 317 and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command
Flags field, is sent from MME or SGSN to HSS.
Message Format
< Cancel-Location-Answer> ::= <
Diameter Header: 317, PXY, 16777251 >
< Session-Id
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
Supported-Features ]
[ Result-Code ]
Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
*[ AVP ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ] Authentication-Information-Request -
Authentication is a Major function
of HSS/AuC.
AIR/AIA is an important and first message on s6a/s6d interface that has been
exchange between MME/SGSN and HSS during very first attach procedure. Here
MME/SGSN asks for authentication credentials from HSS usually called as
Authentication Vectors to authenticate and authorize the subscriber.
It contains
Diameter header followed by many AVPs.
Message format-
<AIR> ::= < Diameter Header: 318,
< Session-Id >
{Authentication session state}
{Origin Host}
{Origin Realm}
{Destination Host}
{Destination Realm}
{User name}
{Supported Features (vendor
Authentication information}
Response Preferred}
{Requesting Node type
The Authentication-Information-Request
(AIR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd
and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field,
is sent from MME or SGSN to HSS.
Message Format
Authentication-Information-Request> ::= < Diameter Header: tbd,
REQ, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Destination-Host ]
{ Destination-Realm }
{ User-Name }
Requested-EUTRAN-Authentication-Info ]
-RANDOM number, XRES Number, Authentication number, Authentication Algo.Info.,
KASME (key for ciphering and Integrity purpose.
Requested-UTRAN-GERAN-Authentication-Info ]
{Result code (Diameter success)}
{ Visited-PLMN-Id }
{ Requesting-Node-Type }
*[ AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
Authentication Information Request-
Insert-Subscriber-Data-Request –
IDR/IDA messages are used between
HSS and MME/SGSN. HSS triggers IDR for any of the following reasons (it is
assumed that UE is attached (Purged is not performed in MME/SGSN))
1) If there is an administrative
change in subscription of an attached subscriber.
2) To apply,
change or
remove operator determined barring to a subscriber
3) To activate Trace for a subscriber
4) To get Location information
and/or State information from MME of a subscriber
5) To know the local time zone of
the visited PLMN (network location)
6) To get T-ADS (Terminating Access
Domain Selection) information of UE i.e UE's last radio activity time, associate
Radio Access Type (RAT) and whether current TA/RA supports IMS voice over PS
session or not.
Message Format
< Insert-Subscriber-Data-Request>
::= < Diameter Header: 319, REQ,
PXY, 16777251 >
Session-Id >
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
{ Auth-Session-State
Origin-Host }
Origin-Realm }
Destination-Host }
Destination-Realm }
User-Name }
IDR-Flags ]
*[ AVP
Proxy-Info ]
Route-Record ]
The Insert-Subscriber-Data-Answer
(IDA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 319
and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags
field, is sent from MME or SGSN to HSS.
Message Format
< Insert-Subscriber-Data-Answer>
::= < Diameter Header: 319, PXY,
16777251 >
Session-Id >
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
Supported-Features ]
Result-Code ]
Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
Origin-Host }
Origin-Realm }
IMS-Voice-Over-PS-Sessions-Supported ]
Last-UE-Activity-Time ]
RAT-Type ]
IDA-Flags ]
EPS-User-State ]
EPS-Location-Information ]
*[ AVP
Failed-AVP ]
Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record
It is invoked by HSS only when
Subscriber is attached and some data is deleted at HSS. Now HSS informs
MME with this message that some part of subscription data is deleted at
The Delete-Subscriber Data-Request (DSR)
command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to 320 and the 'R' bit set in
the Command Flags field, is sent from HSS to MME or SGSN.
Message Format
< Delete-Subscriber-Data-Request >
::= < Diameter Header: 320, REQ, PXY,
16777251 >
Session-Id >
Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
{ Auth-Session-State
Origin-Host }
Origin-Realm }
Destination-Host }
Destination-Realm }
User-Name }
Supported-Features ]
DSR-Flags }
Context-Identifier ]
Trace-Reference ]
TS-Code ]
SS-Code ]
*[ AVP
Proxy-Info ]
The Delete-SubscriberData-Answer
(DSA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd
and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field,
is sent from MME or SGSN to HSS.
Message Format
Delete-Subscriber-Data-Answer> ::= < Diameter Header: tbd,
PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
*[ Supported-Features ]
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ DSA-Flags ]
*[ AVP ] 3GPP
Release 8 33 3GPP TS 29.272 V8.1.1
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
Purge-UE-Request -
MME informs the HSS that UE
is inactive for a long period that is why MME has deleted the Subscription
Data received in previous ULR from its end.
The Purge-UE-Request (PUR) command,
indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd and
the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent from
Message Format
< Purge-UE-Request> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, REQ, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Destination-Host ]
{ Destination-Realm }
{ User-Name }
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
Route-Record ]
Purge-UE-Answer -
The Purge-UE-Answer
(PUA) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd
and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent from
Message Format
< Purge-UE-Answer> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
*[ Supported-Features ]
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ PUA-Flags ]
*[ AVP ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
MME stores PDN address and other
attach information at HSS.
The Notify-Request
(NOR) command, indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd
and the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent from
Message Format
< Notify-Request> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, REQ, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Destination-Host ]
{ Destination-Realm }
{ User-Name }
* [ Supported-Features ]
[ Terminal-Information ]
[ PDN-GW-Identity ]
[ NOR-Flags ]
*[ AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
The Notify-Answer (NOA) command,
indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd and
the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags field, is sent from
Message Format
< Notify-Answer> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
*[ Supported-Features ]
*[ AVP ] 3GPP
Release 8 35 3GPP TS 29.272 V8.1.1
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
Reset Request -
Invoked by HSS, to inform MME that
HSS goes down for some time, kindly sync the data and send fresh location/PDN
information at HSS. Reset request can be send by either
MME or HSS who goes down.
The Reset-Request (RSR) command,
indicated by the Command-Code field set to tbd and
the 'R' bit set in the Command Flags field, is sent from
Message Format
< Reset-Request> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, REQ, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
{ Destination-Host }
{ Destination-Realm }
[ Supported-Features ]
*[ User-Id ]
*[ AVP ] 3GPP
Release 8 34 3GPP TS 29.272 V8.1.1
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
Answer -
Reset-Answer (RSA) Command
Authentication-Information-Answer (RSA) command, indicated by the Command-Code
field set to tbd and the 'R' bit cleared in the Command Flags
field, is sent from MME or SGSN to HSS.
Message Format
< Reset-Answer> ::= <
Diameter Header: tbd, PXY, tbd
< Session-Id >
[ Supported-Features ]
[ Result-Code ]
[ Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
*[ AVP ]
*[ Failed-AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
Route-Record ]
ME Identity check request-
( B/w MME and EIR)
This messages are used between MME
and EIR.
MME triggers ECR for checking
of the validity of an equipment used by a subscriber . That means User is
either White list , Black List or Grey list.
list :-
An authenticated equipment.
(1)Black list :-
It is stolen; services need to be terminated.
(2)Grey list :-
It is the intermediate state of whitelist and blacklist. Telecom operator can
use this state proprietorially like activate tracing for equipment etc.
Message Format
< Session-Id >
[ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
{ Auth-Session-State
{ Origin-Host }
{ Origin-Realm }
[ Destination-Host ]
{ Destination-Realm }
{ Terminal-Information }
[ User-Name ]
*[ AVP ]
*[ Proxy-Info ]
*[ Route-Record ]
Terminal Information ::= <AVP
header: 1401 10415>
ME Identity check Answer-
Message Format
< Session-Id >
[ Vendor-Specific-Application-Id ]
[ Result-Code ]
Experimental-Result ]
{ Auth-Session-State
Origin-Host }
Origin-Realm }
[ Equipment-Status ]
*[ AVP ]
Failed-AVP ]
Proxy-Info ]
Route-Record ]
More information pending to be updated
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